Amanda de Andrade (Brazilian Market specialist & Creative director) composed this 2025 Marketing Calendar with holidays, celebrations, marketing opportunities, key dates, ecommerce ideas, brand activations & national advertising campaigns based on Brazil's cultural events & consumers' behaviors.
Timing is crucial in marketing, creativity and communication. That's why a calendar with holidays, important dates and celebrations (per niche) is so important. However, not only right timing is determinant for the success of a project; cultural immersion (both in time and space) is equally influential on the result of e-commerce performance and advertising campaigns.
If you want to benefit from the Brazilian Portuguese Market, you have a challenge: how to be time-accurate and culturally immersed in the Brazilian culture if you don't belong to it and don't understand how the Brazilians tick?
That's why Amanda de Andrade's team created a trustworthy & permanent Brazilian marketing & e-commerce calendar with holidays, market opportunities, celebrations, key dates, e-commerce ideas, brand activations & national advertising campaigns based on Brazil's cultural events & consumer behaviors. This page is constantly being updated and enriched to grant you success and ease when talking to Brazilians and selling to our wide range of demographic groups and target audiences.
With essential e-commerce dates & marketing tips and strategies for your brand, your marketing team and your agency's localization project, this page is a permanent resource page with the most important dates for advertising purposes.
Take advantage of useful and verified information on our Brazilian Calendar that has been helping marketers:
plan communication content
without committing a gaffe
or mixing up dates and names
nor missing opportunities
or even offending natives with bad timing, accuracy and cultural insensibility.
2025 National Brazilian Holidays
The Mandatory and Optional Brazilian Holidays below are organized by:
date: name in English (name in Portuguese) - day of the week.
2025 Basic Official Dates of National Brazilian Holidays for Language Localization & Marketing in Brazil
Note that many of the Brazilian official holidays that are both traditional and recognized by the government are related to the Catholic Church. The other major portion is related to the History of Brazil throughout Colonization, the Proclamation of the Republic and later achievements.
1 January: New Year's Day (Confraternização Universal) - Wednesday
3 March: Carnival (Carnaval) - Monday
4 March: Carnival (Carnaval) - Tuesday
5 March: Ash Wednesday (Quarta-Feira de Cinzas) - Wednesday
18 April: Good Friday (Paixão de Cristo) - Friday
21 April: Tiradentes Day (Tiradentes) - Monday
1 May: Labour Day (Dia Mundial do Trabalho) - Thursday
19 June: Corpus Christi - Thursday
7 September: Independence Day (Independência do Brasil) - Sunday
12 October: Our Lady of Aparecida (Nossa Senhora Aparecida) - Sunday
2 November: All Souls Day (Finados) - Sunday
15 November: Republic Day (Proclamação da República) - Saturday
20 November: Black Consciousness Day (Dia Nacional de Zumbi e da Consciência Negra) - Thursday
25 December: Christmas (Natal) - Thursday
Interesting Brazilian Holidays for eCommerce, Communication, Media & Film
In the following list, you'll discover about the international holidays that are really celebrated or even remembered in Brazilian Culture and day-to-day life. You'll also find insights and correlated Multimedia & Audio Production key dates.
8 - National Photographer's Day (Dia do Fotógrafo)
24 - International Day of Education
25 – Sao Paolo City Anniversary (Aniversário da Cidade de São Paulo)
26 - International Day of Clean Energy
27 - International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
31 - The Grammy Awards
1 - National Advertising Man & Woman's Day (Dia do Publicitário)
8 - Opera Day
13 - World Radio Day
14 - International Valentine’s Day
1 - Rio de Janeiro City Anniversary (Aniversário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro)
8 - International Women's Day (Dia Internacional da Mulher)
15 - World Consumers Rights Day (Dia do Consumidor)
19 - International Client's Day
20 - International Day of Happiness
21 - International Day of Forests
22 - World Water Day
27 - National Circus Day (Dia do Circo)
31 - Easter (Páscoa)
13 - International Kissing Day (Dia do Beijo)
15 - World Art Day
19 - National Indigenous People's Day (Dia dos Povos Indígenas - Dia do Índio)
21 - World Creativity and Innovation Day
21 - Brasilia City Anniversary (Aniversário da Cidade de Brasília)
22 - Discovery of Brazil (Descobrimento do Brasil)
24 to 30 - World Immunization Week
29 - International Dance Day
30 - International Jazz Day
1 - World Labor Day (Dia Mundial do Trabalho)
3 - World Press Freedom Day
8 - Marketing Professional's Day (Dia do Profissional de Marketing)
12 - Mother's Day (Dia das Mães) - on the 2nd Sunday
22 - International Day for Biological Diversity
3 - World Bicycle Day
5 - World Environment Day
12 - National Valentine's Day (Dia dos Namorados)
14 - World Blood Donor Day
19 - Brazilian Cinema Day
20 - World Refugee Day
25 - Immigrant Day (Dia Internacional do Migrante)
27 - Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
13 - World Rock Day (Dia Mundial do Rock)
19 - National Football/Soccer Day (Dia do Futebol)
20 - International Friendship Day (Dia do Amigo)
26 - Grandparents' Day (Dia dos Avós)
9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
11 - Father's Day (Dia dos Pais) - on the 2nd Sunday
19 - World Photography Day (Dia Mundial da Fotografia)
15 - Custumer's Day (Dia do Cliente)
1 to 14 - Brazilian Black Friday (Semana do Brasil - Black Friday Brasileira) - on 1st and 2nd week - dates yet to be confirmed by the Government
27 - World Tourism Day
1 - International Coffee Day (Dia do Café)
1 - International Music Day
1 - World Vegetarian Day
4 - World Smile Day
4 - World Animal Day
5 - World Teachers’ Day
12 - Children's Day (Dia das Crianças)
15 – National Teacher's Day (Dia do Professor)
16 - World Food Day
27 - World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
2 - International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
10 - World Immunization Day
19 - International Men's Day
21 - World Television Day
22 - Musician's Day (Dia do Músico)
29 - Black Friday - last Friday
2 - Cyber Monday - next Monday after Black Friday
3 - International Day of People with Disabilities
31 - Reveillon
Valuable Holidays for Language, Localization & Accessibility
Additionally to knowing which international days are in fact celebrated, you can discover national days that the rest of the world is not aware of and have trustworthy information to plan your content and marketing efforts inside the Creative and Content Creator niches:
4 - World Braille Day
7 - National Reader's Day (Dia do Leitor)
24 - International Day of Education
7 - National Printer & Typography's Day (Dia do Gráfico)
21 - United Nations International Mother Language Day
3 - International Day for Ear and Hearing Loss
20 - French Language Day
21 - World Poetry Day
2 - World Autism Awareness Day
7 - National Journalist's Day (Dia do Jornalista)
20 - Chinese Language Day
23 - World Book and Copyright Day
23 - Spanish Language Day
23 - English Language Day
26 - World Intellectual Property Day
5 - World Portuguese Language Day
6 - Russian Language Day
25 - Writer's Day (Dia do Escritor)
8 - International Literacy Day
23 - International Day of Sign Languages
28 - International Day for Universal Access to Information
30 - International Translation Day
5 - World Teachers’ Day
8 - International Literacy Day
12 - World Spanish Language Day
15 – National Teacher's Day (Dia do Professor)
27 - World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
29 - National Book Day (Dia Nacional do Livro)
3 - International Day of People with Disabilities
18 - International Migrants Day
18 - Arabic Language Day
Names of the months
To help you familiarize yourself with the Brazilian Calendar, here it goes the translation of the months:
January: Janeiro
February: Fevereiro
March: Março
April: Abril
May: Maio
June: Junho
July: Julho
August: Agosto
September: Setembro
October: Outubro
November: Novembro
December: Dezembro
Seasons in Brazil
We have the same seasons the rest of the world has (at least in the names!). Actually, there are places in Brazil where it snows (that's true, I live near them and I've seen it!):
Summer: Verão (from 21th December to 21th March)
Autumn: Outono (from 21th March to 21th June)
Winter: Inverno (from 21th June to 23th September)
Spring:Primavera (from 23th September to 21th December)
Contact Amanda
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Feel free to write your questions and project details here - your information is safe.