Contact Amanda
Send a message and receive her reply immediately.
Feel free to write your questions and project details here - your information is safe.
Talk to Amanda: - about voiceover recordings, voice & audio studio, dubbing services, full-service localization projects, sound engineering services and castings.
Talk to Diego: - about press, invitations and partnerships
Emails are replied to in order of priority, in no more than 12 hours.
WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal: +55 48 99108 6227 (Brazilian time: -3UTC)
Requests for quotes and bookings are responded to immediately during business hours.
For urgent and/or after-hours voice-over recordings, please feel free to message her through WhatsApp or mention your urgent need in the email.
Send us a letter (like in the old times!) or let's have a coffee or a tea at: Rua Bocaiúva, 2125, sala 13 – Centro, Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brasil - ZIP CODE 88015-530
Source Elements Nexus Suite & Source Connect Standard: amandadeandrade
Session Link Pro
Podcast 'Stories for Storytellers: for Leaders, Artists & Creatives'
Whether you need Brazilian voices for single, unique voice-over recordings for your company or have a more demanding, bespoke localization project that requires Brazilian Portuguese voice talents, talk to Amanda. She's the studios' go-to for Brazilian Portuguese female voice over talent projects for any genre. She's leading the next generation of voice acting and elevates projects and results above and beyond the median.
She's a genuine latina (LatAm) Brazilian Portuguese voice over artist and female actress with deep Spanish roots providing world-class Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and American English voice over artist's services and other curated female and male voice-overs from her Broadcasting studio in Florianopolis city, Santa Catarina state, both in Brazilian Portuguese and American English in a way that positions clients with stature and uniqueness.
Amanda also has been managing and advising localization, ADR & dubbing projects in more than 10 languages for companies on 5 continents.
Her team solves problems whenever a freelance record Brazilian voice is needed with full-process quality above the ordinary. The projects vary and the client's industry too - however, the teams, companies and artists involved have high-level mentality, expertise and commitment.
If you need Brazilian Portuguese voiceover recordings or a dubbing casting of Brazilian voice talents, talk to Amanda. She has a team that's part of a selected network of agencies, producers, directors, actors, editors, creators and artists with the right mindset: peak performance and extraordinary results.
To benefit from her expertise in vocal design, Brazilian Portuguese dubbing and professional voice recording, send a message with your project's requirements, specifications and estimated budget through any channel of your preference: phone, Skype, email, WhatsApp, Source Connect, social media and more.
Send a message and receive her reply immediately.
Feel free to write your questions and project details here - your information is safe.