How Advertising Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches Proudly

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Discover a proven path for your Marketing, Creative, Digital & Advertising Agency to win Global Brand Pitches and be proud... Whatever the result. At the end, you'll find a guide (in image and in bullet points) to reflect on your own pitch creative process and leverage your commitment and result.

How Advertising Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches Proudly | Your Brazilian Creative Partner Amanda de Andrade

What is an Advertising Agency Pitch?

We creatives in the marketing industry have been always open, curious, and (if you're among the most competitive ones) extremely active in the process of proposals and calls to acquire a new brand account.

  • Some call this process agency pitch, shootout, agency presentation, auditioning.

  • Some call it marketing edict, call for tender, contest.

  • Some call it prospecting, discovery call, sending proposals.

It depends on:

  1. the positioning of your agency,
  2. the refinement of your services' qualities
  3. the size of the brand/company

Well, courting a global company can require months or years of dedication, solid presence, patient nourishment, and creative muscle.

Call for Request for Proposals (RFP)

It can take time because those brands/companies need to honor their current contractual obligations and award cycles. Not mention that they are not satisfied with nothing less than innovative, solid, exciting and at their mind level.

The most accurate name for this process is RFP (request for proposals), and is issued by the brand/company to select a list of agencies they’d like to get to know more – it’s critical to get on this list.

So you see, their selection process is special.

The global brands' MKT department won't simply search randomly for agencies on Google 1st page – most likely they'll open an RFP or a call to receive briefs, pilots, pitches, and proposals.

In other cases, clients (brands/companies) invite outstanding agencies that they foresee adding value to their work. Or the CMO will call up a couple of agencies to pitch. That's how it happens and that's why it requires high agency status, elite positioning, patience and leadership.

I'm touching this topic today (February, 2025) because, in the last months, we've received multiple projects for pitches for those giant brands/companies. Yes, those giant ones.

Improve Your Agency Pitch Now

Here comes the info that can make a difference for you:

We can't disclosure the names of the banks, the sports organizations, or the insurance providers, etc, but a few things all those projects had in common:

  • The stakes were super high;
  • The result was real - real pieces, true pearls that the brand could immediately activate;
  • The footages and the voices... the voices were full of human imperfections, authentic, and sounded so real-person;
  • They were partially or fully produced by me as the Creative Director or Voice Actress (in Brazilian Portuguese and Brazilian or International English) and by my team (design, video, copy, illustration);
  • The competing marketing agencies were extremely committed and didn't hold anything back. They were performing as they were already in!
Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Winning Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches
How Advertising, Marketing and Creative Agencies Win Global Brand Pitches

The creatives poured:

  • their souls into the project,
  • their creativity and uniqueness in our collaboration,
  • and their confidence in their own ideas.

It gives me goosebumps and ignites my blood. You do know what I mean. You know how it feels.

Advertising Pitch Winner

Will we win all these brand/company accounts? One? Two? More?

This question has 2 answers:

  1. Let's see... when the clients decide their new marketing agency for 2025/2026.

  2. We've already won. Everything was real, true, creative, and impactful. No one can take that from us. It's ours!

Win Your Next Creative Brief Pitch

By following the steps and applying some of that out-of-the-box principles, you can start the path of winning your next creative brief pitch for your agency. Other creatives and entrepreneurs have been creating and growing their business and ideas' value with the help of our expertise, processes, vetted team and originality (especially for the Brazilian Market) - and if you are ready, you're the next. Send us a message with your questions and ideas and we get started.

Contact Amanda

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Feel free to write your questions and project details here - your information is safe.